Jul 14, 2018Miso Honey Drumlets 味增蜂蜜小鸡腿[Ingredients] 材料 12pcs (650g) chicken drumlets 小鸡腿 12 只(650 克) 2tbsp miso paste 味增酱 2 汤匙 5 cloves garlic, minced 蒜 5 粒,切蓉 [Others] 其他...
Jul 14, 2018Steamed Pork with Shrimp Paste 虾酱蒸肉[Ingredients] 材料 200g pork shoulder, sliced 猪肩肉 200 克,切片 3 bird's eye chilli, sliced 指天椒 3 条,切片 1 stalk spring onion 青葱 1 条 [Others] 其他...
Jul 14, 2018Minced Pork with Salted Fish 咸鱼肉饼[Ingredients] 材料 350g minced pork 肉碎 350 克 2 pcs (40g) salted fish preserved in oil 油泡咸鱼 2 块(40 克) 5 ginger slices, julienned 姜 5 片,切丝...
Jul 12, 2018Steam Three Colour Eggs 三皇蒸蛋[Ingredients] 材料 3 eggs 蛋 3 颗 1 century egg, cubed 皮蛋 1 颗,切丁 1 salted egg yolk, chopped 咸蛋黄 1 颗,切碎 [Others] 其他 1/2tsp salt 盐 1/2 茶匙 1tbsp...
Jul 12, 2018Stir-fried Eggs with Tomatoes 番茄炒蛋[Ingredients] 材料 2 eggs, beaten 蛋 2 颗,打散 1 tomato, quartered 番茄 1 粒,切成 4 块 2 cloves garlic, minced 蒜 2 粒,切蓉 [Others] 其他 1/2tsp salt 盐 1/2...
Jul 12, 2018Stir-fried Shimeiji Mushrooms with Carrot 鸿禧菇炒萝卜[Ingredients] 材料 350g shimeiji mushrooms 鸿禧菇 350 克 1/2 carrot, julienned 萝卜 1/2 条,切丝 3 cloves garlic, minced 蒜 3 粒,切蓉 [Others] 其他 1tsp...
Jul 12, 2018Stir-fried Pumpkin with Basil 九层塔炒南瓜[Ingredients] 材料 350g pumpkin, cut into 2cm thick slices 南瓜 350 克,切成 2 公分厚片 1.5tbsp dried shrimps 虾米 1.5 汤匙 20-30 thai basil leaves 九层塔叶...
Jul 12, 2018Fried Cauliflower 炸花椰菜[Ingredients] 材料 130g cauliflower, cut into florets 花椰菜 130 克,切小朵 1tbsp shredded seaweed 海带丝 1 汤匙 3/4 cup crispy flour 脆粉 3/4 杯 *Crispy...
Jul 12, 2018Stir-fried Broccoli with Carrots 西兰花炒萝卜[Ingredients] 材料 1 small broccoli, 180g, cut into florets 西兰花 1 小棵,180克,切小朵 2 cloves of garlic, minced 蒜 2 粒,切蓉 1/2 small carrot,...
Jul 12, 2018Pork and Century Egg Congee 皮蛋瘦肉粥[Ingredients] 材料 3/4 cup white rice 百米 3/4 杯 120g lean pork, julienned 瘦肉 120 克,切丝 1 century egg, cubed 皮蛋 1 粒,切丁 [Others] 其他 1tsp light...