10-day South Korea Itinerary (Winter)

*___* - Places that you should not missed out!
Most of the places that I went this time round were so good that I will put
**___** (2 stars) for places that are a MUST visit!
Recommended places are based on my preference.
[0530hrs] Arrived at Incheon Airport | 인천국제공항
[0630hrs] To Seoul
[0730hrs] Lock Luggage at Hongdae Station
[1130hrs] *Hwacheon Sancheoneo Ice Festival | 얼음나라 화천산천어축제*
- Ice Fishing
- Snow Sledding
- And many other winter activities
- Every January only
Check-in to Accommodation
Garosugil Street Shopping | 가로수길 (Hippest street in Seoul!)
**Yeonlib Coffee | 연립커피**
**Etoile | 에뚜왈** (French pastries bakery)
**Maman Gateau | 마망까토** (cafe)
*Cafe.89 Mansion* (Actor Lee Jong Suk's cafe)
*LINE Friends Store and Cafe*
*Cafe Kitsune | 카페 키츠네*
**Myeongdong Kyoja | 명동교자** (Korean dumplings - I have this every time!)
**BHC Chicken | BHC치킨** (the place that started the chimaek craze!)
Back to Accommodation
[0830hrs] *DMZ Tour* (a glimpse at North Korea):
- Pick-up at Accommodation
- Imjingak Park | 임진각관광지
- Dora Observatory | 도라 전망대
- 3rd Infiltration Tunnel | 3 차 침투 터널
- Dorasan Station | 도라산역
- Drop-off at City Hall Station
[1430hrs] **Korea Samgyetang | 고려삼계탕** (Korean ginseng chicken soup)
O'sulloc Teahouse | 오설록 티하우스 (matcha themed cafe)
*Daiso (Myeongdong) | 다이소* (5 storeys!)
Migabon | 미가본 (Korean porridge)
Back to Accommodation
*Fave Bakery | 페이브 베이커리* (bakery cafe)
Mangwondong Tiramisu | 망원동 티라미수
**Gureumi Sando | 구르미산도** (tamagoyaki sandwich)
Tteok Museum | 떡박물관 (Korean ricecake museum)
**Mukshidonna | 먹쉬돈나** (Korean 'army stew')
Kafe Tone | 카페톤
Homeplus | 홈플러스 (supermarket)
Back to Accommodation
*Cafe Skon | 카페스콘*
Fluffy Doughnut | 플러피도넛
Ayeongdong Ganjang Gejang | 아현동간장게장 (soy sauce marinated raw crabs)
*Cafe & Other | 카페앤아더* (resort themed cafe)
*Matchacha | 맛차차* (matcha themed cafe)
**19 Tea | 19티** (soufflé pancake)
*Kakao Friends Store | 카카오 프렌즈샵*
**Nipong Naepong | 니뽕내뽕** (fusion jjamppong, risotto, tortilla pizza)
*Daiso (Hongdae) | 다이소8 (7 storeys!)
Back to Accommodation
**Idaejo Ppyeodagwi | 이대조뼈다귀** (Korean pork ribs soup)
*Nocturne No.5 | 녹턴넘버5* (6 levels of matcha gelato intensity!)
*Zapangi | 자판기* (cafe)
Ewha Street | 이화
Ewha Woman's University | 이화여자대학교
*Mashi China | 맛이차이나* (black bean sauce noodles)
*Bistopping | 비스토핑* (ice cream)
*Hongdae Street | 홍대*
Back to Accommodation
*Young Farmer Strawberry Experience Farm | 어린농부 딸기체험농장*
- Every December to June only
- Jam Making
- Strawberry Picking
Edelweiss Swiss Theme Park | 에델바이스 스위스 테마파크
The Garden of Morning Calm | 아침고요수목원
Kyochon | 교촌 (Korean fried chicken)
Back to Accommodation
**Isaac Toast | 이삭 토스트 (Korean toast)**
*Carin Hongdae Lounge | 카린 홍대 라운지 (cafe)*
*Museum Kimchikan | 뮤지엄김치간* (Kimchi museum)
- Kimchi Making
Egg Drop | 에그드랍 (Korean toast)
*C. Through Cafe | 씨스루 카페*
*Lotte Mart | 롯데마트* (supermarket)
Back to Accommodation
*Bread Comma | 빵콤마 (bakery cafe)*
*Tongin Market | 통인시장* (ancient coins lunchbox) - closed for the holidays
*Seodaemun Prison History Hall | 서대문형무소역사관*
*Aori Ramen | 아오리의 행방불명* (Big Bang Seungri's ramen store)
Milestone Coffee | 마일스톤커피 (full house)
**Florte Flower Café | 러빈허** (flower themed cafe)
*Object | 오브젝트* (designer goods, accessories, stationeries, cute stuff)
Back to Accommodation
Day 10: Seollal, Back to Singapore
[1100hrs] Check-out of Accommodation
[1130hrs] Lock Luggage at Hongdae Station
*Changdeokgung | 창덕궁*
*Namsangol Hanok Village | 남산골한옥마을*
Hongdae Street | 홍대
[1700hrs] To Incheon Airport | 인천국제공항
[2000hrs] Back to Singapore
Other Related Posts:
#1: Must-go Pretty Cafes in Seoul
#2: Korean Food Checklist 在韩国必吃的食物
#3: Must-try Matcha Items in Seoul 首尔必试抹茶食品
#4: How Much can You Save by Buying Cosmetics and Beauty Products in Korea?