[Ingredients] - 130g cooked rice
- 130g kimchi, roughly chopped
- 2tbsp tomato ketchup
- 1tbsp gochujang
- 2-3 shallots, finely chopped
- 1-2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
- 1 can of luncheon meat, diced
- 1-2tbsp Korean sesame oil
- Salt
- Cooking oil
[Steps] 1. Fry luncheon meat till slightly browned, set aside.
2. Using the same pan, add in garlic and shallot, stir-fry till fragrant.
3. Add in kimchi, gochujang and tomato ketchup. Stir-fry for 2-3mins.
4. Add in cooked rice, turn to high heat and cook for 3-4mins.
5. Add in luncheon meat, mix well, followed by sesame oil, turn off heat and mix well.
Adapted from @singaporeliciouz