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Melbourne Day 9

Down to the last day in Melbourne! Not doing much for today as my flight is at 1pm. After checking-out of my Airbnb, I took an uber to The Hardware Societe for morning coffee and breakfast. Then walked to Southern Cross Station, which was nearby, to board my SkyBus to the airport.

When I board the uber, it was so funny, the driver was confused that I’m heading to a café in the city with my huge luggage, instead of the airport! Hahahahahaha…


10 Katherine Place, Melbourne VIC 3000

0730-1500hrs (Mon-Fri), 0800-1500hrs (Sat-Sun)

After checking in at the airport, I was delighted to see St. Ali Coffee in the transit area! It is one of the coffee places that I wanted to try but didn’t had time to do so. Their window seats provided such a nice view of the airport apron!

Finally the time to board the plane back home, happy to be able to get a window seat this time round! For in-flight meal, there was a wagyu beef option, but it was finished by the time it was my time! Got the other option, which was Thai chicken curry with rice, ok at least it was nice.


Expenses for Day 9

Uber to Hardware Societe, $19.88

Hardware Societe:

- Scrambled Eggs, $26

- Iced Latte, $6 x2

Airport, St Ali, Iced Latte, $6.90

TOTAL: AU$64.78 = $58.89

Previous Expense: $4,339.32

FINAL TOTAL: $4,398.21

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