- 500g thick beehoon, blanched
- 2 cloves of garlic, peeled and chopped
- 2tbsp dried shrimp, soaked and chopped
- 80-100g laksa paste
- 120-150g bean sprouts, end trimmed
- 1 fishcake, sliced
- 5-6 tau pok, sliced
- 8-10 large prawns, peeled
- 200ml coconut milk
- 2tsp fish sauce
- 1/2tsp chicken powder
- 1tbsp sugar
- 2 hard boiled eggs
- Laksa leaves, finely chopped
- Sambal chilli
1. In a pan, add in 1tbsp cooking oil and garlic over medium-low heat. Stir-fry for a while, then add in dried shrimp. Cook till fragrant.
2. Add in fishcake and tau pok, and cook for a while. Add in laksa paste and mix well.
3. Add in coconut milk and bring to a simmer. Followed by seasoning ingredients, then prawns.
4. When prawns are almost cooked, add in beehoon and mix well.
5. Lastly, add in beansprouts and mix well. Serve garnish with laksa leaves and sambal chilli.
Adapted from @honeybeesweets.sg