After breakfast, came to Rocket Coffeebar S.12 for coffee, a super good one. Arrived at 10am and it’s already filled up that I had to get an outdoor seat. This morning has been windy with no sun, making it an enjoyable time while I sip on my coffee. Hope it remains like this throughout!
吃完早餐后,我到 Rocket Coffeebar S.12 喝咖啡,这里的咖啡不错。抵达时候大约早上 10 点,不过已经客满,只剩户外座位。今早的天气不错,凉快没太阳。边喝咖啡边享受吹来的风,非常舒服。希望每天的天气都能这样!
Rocket Coffeebar S.12
147 Soi Sueksa Witthaya 2, Khwaeng Silom, Khet Bang Rak, Krung Thep Maha Nakhon 10500, Thailand.
0700-2000hrs (daily).
BTS Chong Nonsi Station.

#1: Rocket Coffeebar S.12.

#2: Rocket Coffeebar S.12.

#3: Latte, THB100.
Next was supposedly Unicorn Cafe, but it only opens at 12pm, so I moved on to Osaka Ohsho first for an early lunch. It’s about 1.5km away from Rocket Coffeebar. I took a Grab for only THB9! It’s actually THB89, but I got THB80 off by claiming with my available points.
接着应该到 Unicorn Cafe,不过这地方中午 12 点才营业,所以决定先到 Osaka Ohsho 享用午餐,离 Rocket Coffeebar 大约 1.5 公里。塔了 Grab 才泰铢 9!其实是泰铢 89,不过用累积分换取泰铢 80 折扣。 This place appeared while I was doing a random research about Bangkok and it must be really good to be a recommended place. It is a traditional Japanese restaurant, great for their gyozas and ramen! I had the Okonomiyaki Gyoza (pork) and Chicken Gyoza, they are indeed really good! I ate 8pcs in a row without stopping! The okonomiyaki version is served topped with okonomiyaki sauce, mayonnaise, scallions, bonito flakes and pickled ginger. I will prefer the pork ones as the filling is slightly more flavourful.
这地方在我查询曼谷的时候无意间发现,网上强力推荐所以决定试试。这是个传统日本餐厅,本店的拉面和饺子相当受欢迎!我点了 Okonomiyaki 饺子(猪肉)和鸡肉饺子,【Okonomiyaki 是种日式煎饼】真的很好吃!我连续吃了 8 块!Okonomiyaki 饺子是猪肉饺子撒上 okonomiyaki 酱,蛋黄酱,葱花,干鲣鱼片和腌姜丝。我本身比较喜欢猪肉版本,味道比较丰富。
Osaka Ohsho
Thaniya 361/1 Soi Silom 7, Suriyawong, Bangrak Bangkok 10500, Thailand.
1100-2200hrs (daily).
BTS Sala Daeng Station.

#4: Osaka Ohsho.

#5: Super huge gyoza dummy at the entrance! Reminds me of those giant food challenges in Japan.

#6: [Front] Okonomiyaki Gyoza, THB160. [Top Left] Chicken Gyoza, THB100.
Next was Unicorn Cafe. This place is gonna be all girls favourite place! All unicorn and My Little Pony themed, best is to get here as soon as it opens at 12pm as seats get filled up pretty quickly! They have 2 shops, not side by side though, about 10m apart. I got here at about 12:15pm, and there were only 2-3 tables left, out of about 20 tables. Lucky enough, I got a table near the entrance for some sunlight as the store can be a little too dark for photos. I got the Unicorn Crepe Cake which was amazing! Layers of crepes and cream in pretty pastel pink, yellow, blue and purple, with a cute marshmallow unicorn horn. The cake is pretty huge and is good for sharing amongst 2pax. I was game to just get the cake but couldn’t resist the macarons as well as they were just THB30 each! The macaron filling - buttercream - was a little disappointing and overly-sweet.
接下来是 Unicorn Cafe。女生们一定会喜欢这里!全都是独角兽和 My Little Pony 卡通人物。最好是在它中午 12 点开始营业的时候抵达,很快就会客满!不久前在离 10 米后开了分店。我大约下午 12:15 抵达,已经只剩 2,3 桌。店内有点暗,幸好靠近门口有座位,照进来的自然阳光,拍照起来会比较好看。我点了独角兽千层蛋糕,漂亮又好吃!一层层的漂亮粉色 - 粉红,黄,蓝和紫,上面还有个可爱的棉花糖作为独角兽的角。蛋糕分量算大,可两人共享。其实只想买蛋糕,但看到漂亮的马卡龙,便买了两块,而且每块才泰铢 30!马卡龙的牛油内陷有点令人失望,太甜。
Unicorn Cafe
44/1 Soi Sathorn 8 Silom, Bang Rak, Bangkok 10500, Thailand.
1200-2000hrs (daily).
BTS Chong Nonsi Station.

#7: Shop A.

#8: Inside the shop.

#9: Shop B.

#10: Shop B has unicorn and My Little Pony plushies hanging on the ceiling.

#11: Unicorn Macaron, THB30 (each). Unicorn Crepe Cake, THB130.
Next was a series of cafehopping at Siam district. This area has many shopping malls as well, which is great to alternate between the cafes. Passed by Bangkok Art and Culture Centre on my way to Heekcaa, so decided to pop in since it’s free admission, and I’m still kind of filled up from the coffee + gyozas + desserts. It is currently exhibiting photography reflecting climate change, and other areas.
接着到 Siam 地区的一连串咖啡厅。这地区也有许多购物商场。路上经过曼谷艺术文化中心,决定进去参观走走,反正没入门票。咖啡 + 饺子 + 甜点,真的有点饱。目前展出反映气候变化和其他领域的摄影作品。

#12: Bangkok Art and Culture Centre.

#13: Bangkok Art and Culture Centre.

#14: Bangkok Art and Culture Centre.

#15: Reflection of the iceberg.

#16: More reflections of iceberg.
Right next to the centre, you can find award winning shopping mall, Siam Discovery, and within is the popular drink store, Heekcaa, with their widely liked cheese drinks series. So spoilt with choices! In the end, I went for something safe, Milo Cheese, that is rich iced milo topped with a thick layer of yummy cream cheese and milo nuggets. The sweetness of the milo and the slight savoury taste of the cheese balanced off and complement each other really well.
中心旁是得奖购物商场,Siam Discovery,场内可找到著名饮料店,Heekcaa,售卖大家喜爱的乳酪特质饮料。真的太多选择了!最后选了安全口味,美禄乳酪饮料 - 浓郁冰美禄加上一层奶油乳酪和美禄饼。美禄的甜味和乳酪的咸味,搭的非常好。
Siam Discovey 2/F, Rama 1 Road, Khwaeng Pathum Wan, Khet Pathum Wan, Krung Thep Maha Nakhon 10330, Thailand.
1000-2200hrs (daily).
BTS National Station Station.

#17: Siam Discovery.

#18: Heekcaa.

#19: Milo Cheese, THB105.
Next was fashion brand Matchbox, that has a pretty pink cafe, Pink Planter Cafe, on the third floor. It reminds me of Stylenanda, a place that sells clothing and accessories, with a pretty cafe selling pretty food/desserts and drinks. Just that Stylenanda sells an additional of cosmetics. Was intending to get something here but this place is flooded with people, so I just left after taking photos and moving forward to ATM Tea Bar.
接着到服装品牌,Matchbox。店内三楼有间漂亮的咖啡厅,Pink Planter Cafe。内里设计让我联想到韩国品牌,Stylenanda。一样卖服装,首饰,然后顶楼也是间漂亮的咖啡厅。只是 Stylenanda 也有卖化妆品。打算在咖啡厅买个饮料或甜点,可是已客满,所以拍几张照片后就到下一站,ATM Tea Bar。
Pink Planter Cafe
Matchbox 3/F, 2 Rama 1 Road, Khwaeng Pathum Wan, Khet Pathum Wan, Krung Thep Maha Nakhon 10330, Thailand.
1200-2100hrs (Mon-Fri), Closed on Weekends.
BTS Siam Station.

#20: Matchbox.

#21: Pink Planter Cafe.

#22: Pink Planter Cafe.

#23: Pink Planter Cafe.

#24: Pink Planter Cafe.
ATM Tea Bar, with a slogan of ‘next level bubble tea’, sells a series of instagram-worthy pretty drinks. I got the Pink Matcha (strawberry nectar with milk layered with matcha) and Blue Coco (coconut water layered with butterfly pea tea, and a maraschino cherry). The place is also flooded with people! But they only sell layered drinks, so the queue was pretty quick.
ATM Tea Bar 售卖不一样的泡泡茶,一系列非常好拍照的特质饮料。我点了粉红抹茶(草莓花蜜,牛奶,抹茶)和 Blue Coco (椰子水,蝴蝶豌豆茶,樱桃)。这里很多人!不过只卖饮料,所以也不需要等太久。
ATM Tea Bar
432/9 Siam Square Soi 9, Pathum Wan, Bangkok 10330, Thailand.
1030-2100hrs (daily).
BTS Siam Station.

#25: ATM Tea Bar.

#26: [Back Left] Blue Coco, THB80. [Front Right] Pink Matcha, THB120.
Across the road, you will find After You Dessert Cafe, famous for their kakigori and Shibuya toast. Oh my goodness, this place is super crowded too! Queuing time was 20mins, and serving time was another 20mins. I ordered the Baby Thai Milk Tea Kakigori, which is about half the size of the usual one. It was really really good! Now I understand why people would wait so long for this. The ice melts in your mouth instantly! It’s somewhat between Korea’s bingsu and Taiwan’s snowflake shaved ice.
对面是 After You Dessert Cafe,著名于本店的日式冰沙和 Shibuya 吐司。天啊,这里也很多很多人!排了 20 分钟后,甜点也必须等 20 分钟,点了泰式奶茶迷你冰沙,真的很好吃!尝后才知道为什么大家愿意等那么久。口感像韩式冰沙,当像台湾雪花刨冰一样,入口即化!
After You Dessert Cafe
Siam Square One 1/F, 991 Rama 1 Road, Khet Pathum Wan, Bangkok 10330, Thailand.
1200-0000hrs (daily).
BTS Siam Station.

#27: After You Dessert Cafe.

#28: Merchandise corner.

#29: This honey syrup must be their best selling, it is apparently everywhere in the store.

#30: Baby Thai Milk Tea Kakigori, THB175.
After shopping around, I went to this recommended Thai restaurant called Baan-Ajarn that was featured on CNN Travel, for dinner. This place has more foreigners than Thais, so it must be really good! So many Thai food to choose from and couldn’t decide what to get! Felt like eating some rice drenched in curry, so in the end went for the Green Curry Chicken, with a side of Thai-style Omelette. On my way, popped by Breadtalk as they were having sale - 4 for THB100.
到处逛逛后,便到 CNN Travel 推荐的泰式餐厅,Baan-Ajarn 享用晚餐。这里外国人比泰国人还要多,所以一定相当不错。样样都看起来相当好吃,真不知道该点什么好!突然想吃淋上咖喱的饭,所以最后决定点绿咖喱鸡和泰式煎蛋。路途上经过 Breadtalk,刚好有促销,4 粒卖泰铢 100。
Baan-Ajarn Pub and Restaurant
107/6 Rang Nam Alley, Khwaeng Thanon Paya Thai, Khet Ratchathewi, Krung Thep Maha Nakhon 10400, Thailand.
1100-2300hrs (daily).
BTS Phaya Thai Station.

#31: Green Curry Chicken, THB150. Steamed Rice, THB25. Thai-style Omelette, THB80.
Lastly after dinner, went to buy some drinks, snacks and cup noodles at 7-11 before I head back!
晚餐后,回酒店前,便到 7-11 买点饮料,零食和杯面。 Expenses for Day 3 Grab ride to Rocket Coffeebar: THB195 Latte: THB100 Grab ride to Osaka Ohsho: THB9 Okonomiyaki Gyoza: THB160 (6pcs) Chicken Gyoza: THB100 (6pcs)
Grab ride to Unicorn Cafe: THB48
Unicorn Crepe Cake: THB130
Unicorn Macaron: THB60 (2pcs)
Heekcaa Milo Cheese: THB105
Pink Matcha: THB120
Blue Coco: THB80
Baby Thai Tea Kakigori: THB175
Rabbit Card top-up: THB100
Breadtalk: THB100 (4pcs)
Grab ride to Baan-Ajarn: THB130
Green Curry Chicken: THB150
Thai-style Omelette: THB80
Steamed Rice: THB25
7-11 Drinks and Snacks: THB141
Grab ride to Hotel: THB65
Total Expenses for Day 3: THB2,073 = SG$86.38
Previous Expenses: SG$866.71
Current Total Expenses: SG$953.09