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#SeoulFun Day 9: Back to Singapore

#1: Taken at Mr Holmes Bakehouse.

With our flight in the late afternoon, we spent our last morning watching some Korean shows before we leave. Went down to the convenience store to get some Minion cup noodles, and Minion and character drinks to bring back. Went over to Lotteria to get Bulgogi Burger again for breakfast. It's so good!

The crisis you face every time at the end of a trip - packing luggage! All the squeezing, packing and reorganizing, and hope that the luggage will not be overweight. Luckily, we travelled via Singapore Airlines, so check-in baggage is 30kg instead of 20kg, less stress!

Every trip is a whole new experience and many lessons learnt. It is an unique experience this time round as I am travelling with my friend instead of on my own, which I usually do so. Tried many things and bought many exclusive items. Glad that this time round, I really tried lots of authentic Korean food and street snacks, which I did not manage to do so on my previous trip. Also, with a travelling companion, you get to try a lot more food!

My Airbnb this time round is also a lot better, and a lot more convenient.

And.... To my next Seoul trip!

Expenses of the Day

Minion Cup Noodles: 1,500 (x6) = KRW9,000

Minion Drinks: 1,700 (x5) = KRW8,500

Character Drinks: 2,000 (4+1) = KRW8,000

Lotteria, Bulgogi Burger Set: KRW5,400

Change to Hot Chocolate: additional KRW300

AREX: KRW6,900 (off KRW1,100 for selected airlines)

Fried Chicken: KRW7,000

Total for day 9: KRW45,100 = SGD54.40 Balance brought forward: SGD2,050.95 FINAL TOTAL: SGD2,105.35

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