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Cinnamon Apple Macaron


  • 1 1/4 Cup Icing Sugar

  • 1 Cup Finely Grounded Almond

  • 3 Egg Whites (2 Days Old - 48hrs)

  • Pinch of Salt

  • 1/4 Cup Granulated Sugar

  • 1tbsp Finely Grounded Frozen Dried Apples

  • Red Food Colouring


  • 3tbsp Room Temp Salted Butter

  • 1 1/2cup Icing Sugar

  • 1/4tsp Ground Cinnamon

  • 2tbsp Apple Juice


  1. Line a couple of baking trays with parchment paper.

  2. Macaron: Draw 1-1.5inch diameter circles onto a sheet of regular paper (approx same size as baking tray).

  3. Mix icing sugar, almonds and apples together.

  4. In another bowl, whisk egg whites and salt on low until frothy. Increase speed to high and slowly add in granulated sugar and cont whisking until stiff peaks form. Add in colouring and mix well.

  5. Gently fold in almond-apple mixture until incorporated. Transfer mixture to a piping bag.

  6. Place the template underneath the parchment paper and pipe batter out. When done, slide out the paper and place it underneath another parchment paper, repeat.

  7. Let the batter dry for a few hrs until the tops are completely dry.

  8. Preheat oven 160degC. Bake each tray for 8-10mins or until the tops are set. Let cool on paper on a cooling rack. Carefully peel macarons off when cooled.

  9. Pair the macarons up according to size and shape.

  10. Filling: whisk butter and 1/2 cup sugar together. Add in cinnamon.

  11. Gradually add in remaining sugar, alternating with apple juice. If mixture is too stiff, add in more juice. If mixture is too runny, add in more sugar.

  12. Transfer mixture to a piping bag and pipe onto the bottom pieces (macarons), then place the top pieces over.

  13. Chill macarons overnight.


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