9:30am: Little Nap Coffee Stand リトルナップコーヒースタンド
10:30am: Yoyogi Park 代々木公園
Yoyogi Park is the site where the first successful powered aircraft flight in Japan took place in 1910. The area later became an army parade ground. It is one of Tokyo’s largest city parks and a popular cherry blossom viewing spot in spring and golden gingko trees in autumn.
11am: Meiji Shrine 明治神宮
Meiji Shrine is a shinto shrine dedicated to the spirits of Emperor Meiji and his wife, Empress Shoken. The original shrine was destroyed during the World War II and the current shrine was completed in 1958 through a public fund raising effort.
12:30pm: Maison Able Cafe Ron Ron メゾンエイブルカフェロンロン
The first place to combine all-you-can-eat dessert with the concept of conveyor belt sushi. As of now, it is the only all-you-can-eat cafe of its kind. You can find a variety of cute mini-sized desserts like crepes, dango skewers, cakes and macarons. Most of the items are inspired by the sweets that are popular around Harajuku. There are also savoury items like burgers, steamed buns, sandwiches and quiche.
2pm: Blue Bottle Coffee ブルーボトルコーヒー (Shibuya)