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[Virtual Travel] Taipei + TaichunG Day 3

8:30am: Rainbow Village 彩虹眷村

[Leave Taipei at 7:30am] From Taipei Main Station, take the HSR to Taichung - 1hr. If you visit Taichung, you have to visit the beautiful Rainbow Village! It was a military dependents’ village. Over the years, many houses became run down and developers began buying up the land for redevelopment. Huang Yung Fu who once served the NRA, began painting the remaining houses to save them from demolition. Today, only 11 remained from the original 1,200.

10:30am: Yue Ban Handmade Dan Bing 月半 手作蛋饼/月半 手作蛋餅

Dan bing, which is a Taiwan-style egg pancake roll is an iconic breakfast item for the locals; and dan bing with overflowing cheese - why not?

11:30am: Shen Ji New Village 审计新村/審計新村

The Shen Ji New Village was once a dormitory area built in the 1960s for the auditing office employees. It has been left unused for many years and now redeveloped into a cultural and creative centre, featuring artist studios, creative shops and markets.

[free time]

6:30pm: Feng Chia Night Market 逢甲夜市

The Feng Chia Night Market is the largest existing night market in Taiwan, established in 1963 with Feng Chia University. It is one of Taichung's famous commercial business districts, covering approximately 1km in diametre! You can find not just food but many shops as well!



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