Today’s first part of the journey is DMZ Tour! ‘DMZ’ stands for ‘De Militerized Zone’. It is an educational tour about Korean War, bringing you as close to North Korea as possible. I booked this trip through Klook, and it is arranged with Seoul City Tour. It was a small group with a local guide, myself and 3 other people, so it was easy to interact with the guide. On our way to Paju district, our guide shares with us a little about the war and North Korea. North Korean men have to serve 10yrs of military service, from 16-26yrs old! Their country is bigger, but they only have about half the population of South Korea. It is possible to escape from North Korea, but you need to have money first - KRW 100 million (about S$120,000) per person, and after they managed to leave North Korea, they will be under the care of the South Korea government for 6mths, who will help these people to adapt to the South Koreans. However, as many will know, North Korea is a poor country. Children also do not get to choose their occupation. They do the same occupation as their father. That is why many have to secretly escape North Korea instead.
今天的第一部分是 DMZ Tour!‘DMZ’ 就是 ‘非军事区’ 的意思。他是个关于韩国战争的教育旅团,到离北韩最近的地方之一。这个旅程是在 Klook 订购的,带团的当地旅行社是 Seoul City Tour。导游是会说中文的韩国人,跟两位台湾人和一位香港人同团。团队都是小组,容易和导游沟通。在前往坡州区的路途中,导游分享了一些关于战争和北韩的资料。原来北韩男生服兵役,需要服10年,从16到26岁!他们的国家面积虽然比南韩大许多,但人口只有南韩的一半。要离开南韩其实是合法的,不过需要筹备一笔钱 - 一个人是韩币1亿(大概新币12万)。离开北韩后,会在南韩政府的照顾下6个月,帮助他们适应南韩生活。不过,不说你也知道,北韩是个穷国家,要合法离开北韩完全是接近不可能的一件事。孩子没有权利选择自己的职业,爸爸的职业是什么,孩子就会跟着。所以很多都希望能成功逃离北韩。
DMZ Tour - 3rd Tunnel of Aggression, Dora Observatory
Tour Guide, All Transportation, All Admission Fess Included, Meal Not Included
All days except Mondays
Morning session: 0800-1330hrs
Afternoon session: 1100-1700hrs
Fee: KRW50,000
Other DMZ Tours available
Upon arrival to Paju, the guide purchased tickets for the bus. Before we leave, we went to the nearby Imjingak Park to take a look. Over here, you will see the iconic scene of colourful ribbons tied to a fence, with peace wishes written on them. The Paju tour bus also has a guide, but he speaks in Korean, so our guide helped to translate. The first location is Dora Observatory. The original observatory deck is close and a new 3-storey deck was built about 50m away. Over here, you get to catch a glimpse of North Korea, which is separated by a river. Mountains of South Korea are filled with greens, but North Korea’s are bare. This area is also one of the filming locations for Korean drama, ‘Descendents of the Sun’.
抵达坡州时,导游会先帮忙买巴士车票。在出发之前,我们先到附近的 Imjingak Park 看看。在这里就会看到许多绑在篱笆的彩带,都是满满写着和平的愿望。坡州旅游巴士上也有个导游,不过是说韩语,我们的导游会帮忙翻译。第1地点是多拉展望台。原本的展望台已经关了,在50米外建了新的3楼展望台。在这里可以看看北韩长什么样子。南韩和北韩之间,只隔了一条河。南韩的山都是绿绿的树,北韩的山都是光秃秃。这里也是韩剧《太阳的后裔》的拍摄景点之一。

#1: DMZ Ticket Booth.

#2: Imjingak Park.

#3: Beat 131.
An underground bunker used since the Korean War, which consists of military commodities and real time image of DMZ and North Korea village.
It now serves as an exhibition and admission is at KRW1,000/pax. I didn't went in as we only had about 20mins at this area before we board our bus. You can check out this link to see how it looks like on the inside.

#4: A Steam Locomotive found at Jangdan Station.
Symbolises the tragic history of the division of North and South Korea. It was moved and exhibited at the current location after being recognised of its historical value in 2004. The train was destroyed at Jangdan Station, after delivering war materials to Pyongyang. More than 1,020 bullet holes were found on the locomotive itself.

#5: Ribbons of written wishes for Peace.

#6: The old Dora Observatory.

#7: From Level 3 of the new Dora Observatory.
This is taken during Winter, so all the trees have dried up.

#8: One of the filming locations for Korean drama, Descendants of the Sun.

#9: There's a cafe located within the building.
Next, was to the 3rd Tunnel of Aggression. After agreeing to stop the war in 1953 after 3yrs, DMZ was built and enforced along the border that separates North and South Korea. However, the North Koreans secretly dug tunnels to plan on invading South Korea again. The 3rd tunnel was discovered in 1978 when an explosion caused by the tunnellers was detected. They have progressed about 400m into the south side of DMZ. With the agreement signed in 1953, the North Korea denied on building the tunnel, but later said that it was part of a coal mine. However, there were no signs of coal in the tunnel. Currently, only 4 tunnels were discovered, but the Koreans believe there are up to about 20 of such tunnels. There were 3 walls built in the middle section between North and South Korea in the tunnel, so it is totally safe for us to go down to the tunnel!

#10: DMZ 3rd Tunnel of Aggression.

#11: DMZ 3rd Tunnel of Aggression.
Built in 2002, the artwork expresses the people's hope for peace and reunification of Korea. The arches represent the Seoul-Sinuiju railway that is connected all the way to Europe. The divided sphere symbolises a lasting cold war between the divided Korea. The statues around the leaning halves represents elements working together to reunite Korea.

#12: DMZ 3rd Tunnel of Aggression.

#13: How the tunnel looks like.
The 3rd Tunnel is arch-shaped and is 1,635m in length. It measures 2m in height, 2m in width, and is located 73m below ground level. It runs 1,200m to North Korea, and 435m to South Korea. Visitors are allowed to explore up to 265m, to where the first wall is located.

#14: A mock-up of the entrance to the 3rd Tunnel. No items were allowed to be brought in, except for your safety helmet.

#15: Monorail that goes down to the 3rd tunnel, but is no longer in operation.
The last location was to Dorasan Station. The train station that runs trains between North and South Korea. It is currently not in operation, but North Korea is now coming to a peace agreement with South Korea, and South Korea is doing their best to help build up North Korea’s economy. If North Korea has finally declare the end of war, this train station will start operating. Over here, you can get an actual train ticket to Pyongyang as a souvenir. Currently, visitors from other countries are allowed to visit North Korea, but Koreans are not allowed.
最后一个景点是 Dorasan 火车站,是通往北韩的火车站,目前暂时关闭。不过,在北韩同意结束战争后,以后就能从这里搭火车到北韩。目前,南韩正在努力的帮助北韩解决经济问题。在这里,能买到前往平壤的车票作为纪念品。目前,其他国家若是想到北韩是可以的,但韩国人本身不行。

#16: Dorasan Station.

#17: Ticket to Pyongyang (capital of North Korea).
After dropping of at City Hall Station, I went to have lunch at Korea Samgyetang, probably the best Korean chicken ginseng soup I have ever had! I used to go to Tosokchon, but after discovering this place last year, I think this place is so much better! The portion is also larger and there is less tourists! I was super hungry as I hadn’t had any food since morning and it was already about 2:30pm when the food was served, but yet I couldn’t finish it. Their kimchi was really good too! I am quite selective towards kimchi as #1) I can’t really take spicy food, and #2) I don’t like sour food (like tom yum, etc, but I love sour desserts!), their kimchi was neither too spicy nor too sour.
旅程结束后,旅行社会送到 City Hall 捷运站。在这里,我到了 Korea Samgyetang 用午餐。这里是我在韩国吃过最好吃的韩国人参鸡汤! 以往都是到 Tosokchon,不过去年到这里试试后,觉得这里好吃多了!而且分量比较大,旅客也比较少!其实是在很饿的状态下用餐,整个早上直到用餐时是大概下午2点30,都还没用食过,可是还是无法吃完。他们的泡菜也好好吃!我对泡菜其实非常挑,不能太辣,也不能太酸。他们的泡菜,辣味和酸味都刚刚好!
Korea Samgyetang 고려삼계탕
1 Seosomun-ro 11-gil, Seosomun-dong, Jung-gu, Seoul
1000-2100hrs (daily)
City Hall Station Exit 10

#18: Korea Samgyetang.

#19: Their kimchi is the best! 👍🏻

#20: White Chicken Ginseng Soup, KRW16,000.

#21: The chicken is stuffed with glutinous rice!

#22: A piece of chicken with a piece of kimchi, super good!
After which, walked around Myeongdong and to O'sulloc Teahouse. Initially, I just wanted to head in to check out if they have any new products, and to my surprise, they are selling brown sugar bobas too! Got a cup of Matcha Latte with Brown Sugar Boba. Hmm okay, I think the fresh milk version still taste the best. Next, I head down to one of the biggest Daiso store in Seoul, at Myeongdong. It used to have 8 storeys, but it is now reduced to 5. Instead of the usual ‘everything for $2’, Korea Daiso’s items are sold between KRW1,000 to KRW5,000. There are so many, so many things to buy! A lot of which, I don’t see them being sold before, such as wine glasses, marble print items and cute Disney stationeries. After shopping at Daiso, wanted to go somewhere else, but it was getting way too cold! Had dinner at Migabon, which was nearby, and headed home. Migabon is a porridge place that often spots queues in the day and during the weekends. It was great but I still prefer Bonjuk. Migabon tasted too traditional for me.
接着到了明洞走走,然后到了 O'sulloc。原本是想进去看看有什么新产品上架,却意外发现到他们也正在卖黑糖珍珠!点了杯黑糖珍珠抹茶拿铁,只能说还是鲜奶版本最好喝。接着到了首尔最大的大创之一,在明洞的分行。原本是有8层楼,不过已减成5楼。大创 ‘一切$2’ 的卖点在韩国不一样。韩国大创的产品是销售在韩币1,000至5,000之间。真的有很多,很多东西可以买!很多都是没有看到在大创销售过的,像是酒杯,大理石纹产品,和可爱的迪士尼文具。在大创狂逛后,原本是想到其他地方,不过实在是太冷了!最后,决定到了附近的 Migabon 用晚餐。Migabon 是间粥品店,白天和周末时都是长长的人龙。这里的粥虽然好吃,但我还是比较喜欢 Bonjuk。Migabon 吃起来的味道,真的有点太传统。
O'sulloc Teahouse 오설록 티하우스
12 Myeongdong 7-gil, Myeongdong 1-ga, Jung-gu, Seoul
0900-2230hrs (Mon-Thu, Sun), 0900-2300hrs (Fri-Sat)
Euljiro 1-ga Station Exit 5

#23: Brown Sugar Bubble with Green Tea (iced) 흑당버블녹차라떼 KRW6,800.
Daiso Myeongdong 다이소 명동
134-1 Toegye-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul
1000-2200hrs (daily)
Myeongdong Station Exit 1 or 2

#24: Daiso at Myeongdong.

#25: Wine glasses going at KRW1,000-2,000.

#26: Check out all these pretty toiletries!

#27: More toiletries.

#28: Muji-style wooden plates.

#29: Marble designed stoneware.

#30: More marble print designed items, these are plastic, love it!

#31: Metal pots that Koreans love to use for cooking instant noodles. You can get one for a full Korean ramen experience!

#32: Lots of pretty pens, check out these pretty Disney pens!
Migabon 미가본
56 Myeongdong-gil, Myeongdong 2-ga, Jung-gu, Seoul
0800-2200hrs (daily)
Euljiro 1-ga Station Exit 6

#33: Migabon.

#34: Abalone Porridge 전복죽 KRW10,000.

#35: Fresh abalone slices. Abalone in Singapore is crazily expensive and is always only available in can form, and doesn't even taste as good as this!
Exchange Rate: S$1 = KRW825
Expenses for Day 3
Caramel Macchiato: KRW4,800
DMZ Iron-on Badge: KRW2,000
DMZ Pin: KRW3,000
DMZ Dog Tag Souvenir: KRW7,000
Dorasan Station Train Ticket: KRW1,000
Mineral Water: KRW700
Korea Samgyetang: KRW16,000
- Skinny Coverfit Cushion Refill (N23) KRW12,000
- Cushion Puff (black) KRW2,000
- Moisturizing Hair Mist (for dry hair) KRW12,000
- Clear Nail Polish (for base & top) KRW5,000
Innisfree Free Gifts:
- Jeju Orchid Fluid Sample
- Eco Science Recover Spot Essence Sample x3
- Eco Science Wrinkle Spot Essence x3
- Buzz Lightyear limited edition Pouch
- Toy Story limited edition Poster
O’sulloc: Brown Sugar Bubble with Green Tea (iced) 흑당버블녹차라떼 KRW6,800
- A4 Buzz Lightyear & Alien Clipboard KRW1,500
- Marble & Wood design Plate KRW2,000
- Marble & Wood design Bowl KRW2,000
- Buzz Lightyear Pen KRW1,000
- Toy Story Alien Pen KRW1,000
- Toy Story Alien 2-colour Pen KRW1,500
- Marble Print Pens (3pcs) KRW1,000 x2
- Monochrome design Pens (3pcs) KRW1,000
- Kids Socks KRW1,000 x4
- Muji-style Wooden Bowl KRW1,000
- Korean Palace Clay Figurine KRW2,000
- Korean Prince Clay Figurine KRW2,000
- Ssamjang (seasoned soybean paste) 170g KRW1,000
- Kakao Friends design Plasters (20pcs) KRW1,000
- Animal design Wooden Ruler KRW1,000 x2 (alligator & giraffe)
- A5 Line Notebook (3pcs) KRW1,000
- A5 Plain Ring Notebook (3pcs) KRW2,000
- Synthetic Leather Coin Purse KRW2,000
Migabon: Abalone Porridge 전복죽 KRW10,000
Total Expenses for Day 3: KRW112,300 = S$136.12
Previous Expenses: S$1,506.09
Current Total Expenses: S$1,642.21