Most of the Koreans are not fluent in English, and they do only speak Korean, especially the more senior adults. At tourist attraction spots like Myeong-dong, there are more foreign workers such as the ones from China, who are able to speak Mandarin Chinese other than Korean. The first 30 words and phrases are the ones most commonly used in Korea and they will be helpful for you, especially for words like 'sorry', 'thank you', ;excuse me', 'wait' and 'how much is this?'.
1) I don't know Korean
나는 한국어 몰라 [요]
na neun (I) han gug-eo (Korean) mol la [yo] (don't know)
I know: 알아요 (al-a yo)
I understand: 알았어 (al-ass-eo)
2) I am Singaporean
나는 싱가포르 사람
na neun (I) sing ga po leu (Singapore) sa lam (Singapore-an)
3) Hello
안녕 / 안녕하세요
an nyeong / an nyeong ha se yo
4) How do you do? / Nice to meet you
만나서 반가워요
man na seo ban ga wo yo
5) Goodbye
안녕 / 잘가요 / 안녕히 가세요
an nyeong / jal ga yo / an nyeong hi ga se yo
6) Sorry
미안해 / 미안해요 / 죄송합니다
mi an-hae / mi an-hae yo / joe song hab ni da
7) Excuse me
To get attention: 여기요 (yeo gi yo)
To ask people to move out of your way: 잠시만요 (jam si man-yo)
8) It's okay
괜찮아 [요]
gwaen chanh-a [yo]
9) Thank you
고마워요 / 감사합니다
go ma wo yo / gam sa hab ni da
10) Wait
잠깐만 [요]
jam kkan man-[yo]
Please wait: 잠깐만 주세요
jam kkan man (wait) ju se yo (please)
11) How much is this?
이거는 얼마에요?
i geo neun (this) eol ma-e yo (how much)?
12) Welcome
eo seo o se yo
13) What will you like to have?
meo deu lil kka yo?
14) What is this?
이거는 뭐예요?
i go neun (this) mwo ye yo (what)?
15) Please Hurry
빨리 주세요
ppal li (hurry) ju se yo (please)
16) Yes and No
Yes: 예, 네 (ye, ne), No: 아니 (a ni)
17) Have and Don't have
Have: 있어 [요] (iss-eo [yo]), Don't have: 없어 [요] (eobs-eo [yo])
18) Can and Cannot
Can: 그래 [요] (geu lae [yo]), Cannot: 안돼 [요] (an dwae [yo])
19) Where is the...?
E.g. Where is the toilet?
Toilet 어디에요?
Toilet eo di e yo?
20) One person (when dining)
han (one) myeong (person) ye yo
21) Little and More
Little: 조금 (jo geum), More: 더 (deo)
22) Too expensive
너무 비싸요
neo mu bi ssa yo
23) Please give a discount
좀 깎아 주세요
jom kka kka ju se yo
24) Really?
진짜 [요]?
jin jja [yo]?
25) Delicious
맛있어 [요]
mas-iss-eo [yo]
Very delicious: 너무 맛있어 [요]
neo mu (very) mas-iss-eo [yo] (delicious)
26) When ordering..
E.g. One bulgogi please
불고기 한개 주세요
bul go gi (bulgogi) han (one) gae (piece) ju se yo (please)
One ramen and two bottles of coke please
라면 한걔 하고 콜라 두병 주세요
la myeon (ramen) han (one) gae (piece) ha go (and) kol la (coke) du (two) byeong (bottles) ju se yo (please)
27) English menu
영어 메뉴
yeong-eo (English) me nyu (menu)
28) I'm hungry
배고파 [요]
bae go pa [yo]
29) I'm full
배불러 [요]
bae bul leo [yo]
30) Rice and Noodles
Rice: 밥 (bab), Noodles (ramen): 라면 (la myeon)
E.g. One rice please
밥 한개 주세요
bab (rice) han gae (one piece) ju se yo (please)
Where are you from? 어디서 오셨어요? (eo di seo o syeoss-eo yo?)
Singapore: 싱가포르 (sing ga po leu)
Singaporean: 싱가포르 사람 (sing ga pol sa lam)
Do you understand? 알았어? (al-ass-eo?)
I understand: 알았어 (al-ass-eo)
I don't understand: 몰라요 (mol la yo)
I'm good: 좋아요 (joh-a yo)
What's your name? 이름이 뮈예요? (i leum-i mwo ye yo?)
I am Grace: 나는 Grace 예요(na neun Grace ye yo)
What's your occupation/job? 즤입이 뭐예요? (jwi ib-i mwo ye yo?)
Student: 학생 (hag saeng)
What's your address? 주소 뭐예요? (ju so mwo ye yo?)
What's your phone number? 전화 번호 뭐예요? (jeon hwa beon ho mwo ye yo?)
One: 일 / 하나 / 한 (il / ha na / han)
Two: 이 / 둘 / 두 (i / dul / du)
Three: 삼 / 세 (sam / se)
Four: 사 / 네 (sa / ne)
Five: 오 / 다섯 (o / da sot)
Six: 육 / 여섯 (yug / yeo sot)
Seven: 칠 / 일곱 (chil / il gob)
Eight: 팔 / 여덟 (pal / yeo eob)
Nine: 구 / 아홉 (gu / a hob)
Ten: 십 / 열 (sib / yeol)
100: 백 (baeg)
1,000: 천 (cheon)
10,000: 만 (man)
100,000: 십만 (sib man)
1,000,000: 천만 (cheon man)
What? 뭐예요? (mwo ye yo?)
Which? 어떤거요? (eo tteon geo yo?)
Who? 누구세요? (nu gu se yo?)
Why? 왜요? (wae yo?)
When? 언제요?(eon je yo?)
Where? 어디에요? (eo di e yo?)
One piece: 한개 (han gae)
One glass: 한찬 (han chan)
One bottle: 한병 (han byeong)
One person: 한명 (han myeong)
How much is it altogether? 모두 얼마에요? (mo du eol ma-e yo?)
How much is this apple? 사과는 있어요? (sa gwa neun eol ma-e yo?)
How much is one apple? 사과는 하나에 얼마에요? (sa gwa neun ha na-e eol ma-e yo?)
It is 2,000 won: 이천 원 이에요 (i cheon won i e yo)
8,500 (八千五百) won: 팔천오백 원 (pal cheon o baeg won)
35,400 (三万五千四百) won: 삼만오천사백 원 (sam man o cheon sa baeg won)
116,000 (十一万六千) won: 십일만욱천 원 (sib-il man yuk cheon won)
Do you have apple? 사과는 있어요? (sa gwa neun iss-eo yo?)
It fits well: 잘 맞네요 (jal maj ne yo)
It doesn't fit: 잘 맞지가 않아요 (jal maj ji ga anh-a yo)
Smaller? 작은? (jag-eun?)
Bigger? 더큰? (deo keun?)
Shorter? 짧은? (jjalb-eun?)
Longer? 더길게? (deo gil ge?)
Receipt please: 영수증 주세요 (yeong su jeong ju se yo)
Shirt: 셔츠 (syeo cheu)
Jacket: 자켓 (ja kes)
Skirt: 치마 (chi ma)
Dress: 드레스 (deu le seu)
Pants: 바지 (ba ji)
Cap: 모자 (mo ja)
Socks: 양말 (yang mal)
Shoes: 신발 (sin bal)
Boots: 부츠 (bu cheu)
Bag: 가방 (ga bang)
Breakfast: 아침식사 (a chim sig sa)
Lunch: 점심식사 (jeom sim sig sa)
Dinner: 저녁식사 (jeo nyeong sig sa)
Snack: 간식 (gan sig)
I'm done (with my order): 이게다에요 (i ge da ye yo)
You're welcome: 천만해요 (cheon man hae yo)
Is this seat taken? 자리 있나요?(ja li iss na yo?)
Just a moment please: 잠깐만 기다리세요 jam kkan man gi da li se yo)
Menu: 메뉴 (me nyu)
Do you have an English menu? 영어 메뉴 있어요? (yeong-eo me nyu iss-eo yo?)
One glass of water please: 물 한찬 주세요 (mul han jan ju se yo)
More water please: 물 더 주세요 (mul deo ju se yo)
Hot water: 뜨겁 물 (tteu geo mul)
Cold water: 차갑 물 (cha gab mul)
Please give me more: 더 주세요 (deo ju se yo)
Please give me another 2 bowls of rice: 밥 두개 더 주세요 (bab du gae deo ju se yo)
Here it is: 여기 있어요 (yeo gi iss-eo yo)
Is this spicy? 이 매운가요? (i mae un ga yo?)
Is this salty? 이 짠가요? (i jjan ga yo?)
Is this sweet? 이 달콤한가요? (i dal kom han ga yo?)
Is this sour? 이신것가요? (i sin geot ga yo?)
Cup: 컵 (keob)
Plate: 접시 (jeob si)
Bowl: 사발 (sa bal)
Napkin: 냅킨 (naeb kin)
Spoon: 숫가락 (sud ga lag)
Fork: 포크 (po keu)
Chopsticks: 젓가락 (jeogs ga lag)
Knife: 나이프 (na i peu)
Side dishes: 반찬 (ban chan)
Fish: 생선 (saeng seon)
Chicken: 닭고기 (dalg go gi)
Duck: 오리고기 (o li go gi)
Pork: 돼지고기 (dwae ji go gi)
Beef: 소고기 (so go gi)
Prawn: 새우 (sae u)
Seafood: 해산물 (hae san mul)
Eggs: 달걀 (dal gyal)
Vegetables: 야채 (ya chae)
Soup: 스프 (seu peu)
Dessert: 후식 (hu sig)
Coffee: 커피 (keo pi)
Water: 물 (mul)
Juice: 쥬스 (jyu seu)
Orange juice: 오렌지 쥬스 (o len ji jyu seu)
Soy sauce: 간장 (gan jang)
Salt: 소금 (so geum)
Sugar: 설탕 (seol tang)
Pepper: 후추 (hu chu)